Member Representation and Rights
April 20, 2024
Trustees are required to ensure effective member representation and participation in the governance of the pension scheme. In this regard, the Guidelines require trustees to convene an annual general meeting (“AGM”) at which each member present shall participate in the governance of the scheme on the basis of “one member, one vote,” irrespective of the size of the members’ contribution in the scheme. Strict timelines are provided with regard to how the AGM should be convened, and the Guidelines require that a summary of audited financial statements of a scheme are provided to members in a timely manner prior to the date of the meeting.
In addition to other rights that a member of a scheme has under the Pension Scheme Regulation Act (“Act”), the Guidelines introduce rights to attend membership sensitisation days and retirement planning seminars which are to be organised by trustees and service providers. Membership sensitisation days are meant to educate members on their rights, obligations, and benefits calculation. Likewise, retirement planning seminars are meant to educate and prepare members for challenges associated with retirement, such as financial, psychological, and health issues caused during or as a result of retirement.